
MedRx Support: Comprehensive Services & Training Options in USA

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MedRx’s professional audiometric solutions provide advanced testing and fitting equipment for providers around the country. And with every purchase, an expert support and training team is ready to back you.

From the moment you receive your MedRx device, to years down the line, our support technicians and trainers are there every step of the way. They offer hearing care professionals expert help on our tools when you need it most.

Browse our various options for outstanding customer services below.

Tech Support Only A Phone Call Away

MedRx Studio software offers a best-in-class user experience. Armed with our detailed instruction manuals and extensive help menu, navigating Studio has never been easier. Our intuitive user interfaces allow you to quickly and deftly set up your new equipment with little to no downtime.

Regardless of if you’re a new or seasoned MedRx customer, we know all technology comes with a learning curve. Which is why our technical support team is here to help you answer any questions and solve challenges that arise along the way.


Experts in our products and software, our support technicians can help you troubleshoot a myriad of questions. Here are just a few of the things they can help with:

  • Hardware and software setup
  • Unique computer requirements
  • Software updates
  • Driver updates

Most troubleshooting is conducted with remote support through TeamViewer. Our technicians will remotely connect to your device, sharing your screen to talk through our resolution.

Calibrations (Fees Required)

The MedRx support team can also perform your audiometer’s yearly calibrations in accordance with ANSI specifications S3.6-2018. In this calibration, they will check for compliance in:

  • Transducers (headphones or inserts)
  • Bone conductors
  • Minimum requirements for your audiometer in environmental noise
  • Range, duration, and frequency of test signals

Calibration services have a turnaround time of under a week and at request can be shipped overnight. Our calibrations are competitively priced and performed by seasoned MedRx support technicians. More information on how to request calibration services can be found at

The MedRx support team offers personalized and quality phone support. Give us a call at (888)392-1234 or email for less urgent questions.

Expert Tip: Is your software up to date? Software-powered testing and fitting equipment must be updated regularly to access the newest features and most recent improvements. Visit our support site to install the latest version of your Studio software.

Comprehensive Training at Every Skill Level

MedRx product demonstrations and training services are fully customizable for your preferences and individual needs. Our trainers will walk you through our software at your pace based on the information you provide about your experience, skill level, and familiarity with our software.

Virtual Demonstrations

Virtual demonstrations allow us to show you how a product works before you purchase it. These sessions give you an in-depth look at our solution’s capabilities and can help you determine if our product works for your office.

Our 100% live, virtual demonstrations will mirror a typical testing, fitting, or exam session and give you the opportunity to visualize yourself using our equipment. By the end of our product demonstrations, you should have a clear idea of if the device is a fit for your office based on your evaluation criteria.

Beginning Training Sessions

Beginner training sessions are offered for all new MedRx equipment purchases at no cost to you. After you receive your equipment, call (888)392-1234 to schedule your training session to ensure you maximize your impact with your new equipment. In a beginning training session we’ll show you:

  • How to navigate Studio modules
  • How to conduct standard tests for your device
  • How to perform specialized tests for your office’s procedures
  • How to access and use essential tools such as the Help Menu
  • How to export patient results to your record system
  • How to print and save results
  • Counseling tips

Combined audiometer and real ear equipment (ARC or AWRC purchases) training sessions are generally broken up into two separate appointments to ensure you have enough time to process how to use each module of the software.

Advanced Training Sessions

Advanced training sessions are available for MedRx audiometer or REM users who are ready to go beyond the basic testing and fitting scenarios for an in-depth look at our tools. We will dive into specific use-case scenarios for more complex patients and the different tools and features our software presents for those cases.

Here, we’ll get further into your unique testing style and customize your software to meet the nuances of a typical appointment. 

Expert Tip: Training sessions aren’t required, but highly encouraged to master our devices. Come to training sessions with your equipment set up and have your questions ready!

Benefits of MedRx Support and Services

MedRx support and training professionals are the most knowledgeable and reliable source of information on MedRx products. Reach us at (888)392-1234 to speak to a real person every time and get answers directly from the manufacturer.

Our personalization strategy shows you only what makes sense for your clinic and saves you valuable time you could be spending with patients. We understand that equipment is one of the most important elements of a successful practice, and strive to keep our solutions simple and streamlined for even the busiest offices.

Get the Most From Your Equipment with MedRx Support and Training

MedRx Diagnostics takes pride in our seamless user experiences. For moments when you need extra help, MedRx Support and Training is available Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm ET. With decades of cumulative experience spanning our expert team, you’ll quickly find the answers to your most pressing questions.

If you’d like to reach our training or support team, you can call 888-392-1234 or email Or, browse our product manuals and software guides for answers to common questions and operating information.