
MedRx Audiometers Now Feature Audible Contrast Threshold test

The Audible Contrast Threshold test – also known as ACT™ – is the fastest
method to accurately determine a person’s ability to hear in noise.


The Audible Contrast Threshold Test

ACT™ a supplemental test to the audiogram. This test assesses the quality of hearing in noisy situations.

  • ACT™ is a language independent aided speech in noise equivalent test
  • Performed in 2-3 minutes
  • Customized ACT stimulus by individual audiogram
  • Personalized hearing care with ACT™ results

ACT™ is compatible with the below MedRx Audiometers

  • medrx-avant-a2d

    AVANT A2D+

    Dual Channel Diagnostic Audiometer

  • medrx-avant-arc


    Combination Audiometer & REM/LSM System

  • medrx-awrc

    MedRx AWRC

    Clinical Audiometer with High Frequency Option & Wireless REM/LSM

Watch our 4 quick training videos below or call for an online demo today!

The Audiogram Provides the Quantity of Hearing • The ACT™  Provides the Quality of Hearing

  • Getting Started with ACT and MedRx

  • The ACT Value

  • Act How To Test 

  • ACT Test Patient Instructions 

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