Kiosk - Hearing Screening Tablet

KIOSK The stand-alone Hearing Screening Tablet

Kiosk Tablet and DD65v2 Headphones

MedRx Kiosk
Self Screening & Lead Generation

Extend your clinic’s reach by placing your Kiosk in community centers, physician offices, pharmacies & partner locations.

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  • MedRx Kiosk - Expand How You Do Business

  • With the Kiosk’s cloud database*—HearingBI, providers can consolidate Kiosk leads and contacts in one place, then quickly export viable leads to Blueprint OMS or Noah. HearingBI’s Wizard set-up walks the clinician through setting up and customizing their database to optimize lead follow-up with patient management tools.

    The MedRx Kiosk makes it easy to keep track of your growing practice by seamlessly integrating Noah and Blueprint to HearingBI. Guiding you through every step of the lead acquisition process, MedRx Kiosk enables practice owners to make more informed decisions.


    *subscription required

  • Features:

    • Unattended Testing
    • Each Test Takes Less Than 5 Minutes
    • Calibrated Self Screening
    • Patients Emailed Results and Your Contact Info
    • View Results in Real-Time
    • Choose Tablet Only Screeners or Fully Enclosed & Secured Tablet Stands

MedRx Kiosk Self Screening & Lead Generation 


Calibrated Self Screening

MedRx Kiosk is a calibrated screening device designed with three fast and easy to complete air threshold tests. The hearing screenings can provide fast threshold seeking evaluations or a heard/not heard evaluation. Each test takes less than 5 minutes and is intuitively designed for easy patient understanding. MedRx also provides 1 minute patient focused tutorial videos to help orient the patient with the upcoming screening task. Screening patients in your office or in the community has never been easier with the MedRx Kiosk.


Unattended Testing

MedRx has many variations of the Kiosk including tablet only screeners or fully enclosed and secured tablet stands with sanitizing wipes. The MedRx Kiosk software thrives in unattended settings where wifi is present. The Kiosk can link with our cloud database to securely send all screening information to your cloud database account*. If wifi is interrupted, the software will store encrypted hearing screenings until the connection is restored and transmissions successful. The software is designed with looping interface and timeout options. This means that at the end of every test the software will prompt the testing is over and return to the introductory screen. Extend your clinic reach by placing your kiosk in community centers, physician offices, pharmacies and partner locations.

*Cloud database subscription required.


Viewing Screening Results

Screening results from MedRx Kiosk are available in real-time through our cloud database. Log in to your web portal to view audiogram and questionnaire information while patients are using the Kiosk. Choose to receive email alerts on any completed screening for immediate follow-up. Your patients will have access to results immediately following screening completion. Kiosk owners can choose to present audiogram level detail or basic screenings results (Normal, Mild, Moderate and Refer). The results can also be automatically sent to each patient as they complete the exam.



All connections to our database are secured with in-transit 256-bit SSL connections and databases are encrypted at rest. Secure logins with audit logs will help you track who has accessed your account exactly what was performed while they were in the account. MedRx Kiosk and the cloud database meet and exceed all HIPAA, GDPR and HiTECH data requirements.

Hearing-BI cloud database

Analytics and Tracking

MedRx has designed the cloud database to be scaled from single clinics to enterprise clients. We have designed dashboards to understand exactly how each screening device is performing. Kiosk grouping allow customers to view results in a variety of ways. Filter statistics by time, clinics, and regions to see the number of contacts obtained, percentages of hearing loss, leads received per day and more. MedRx wants every Kiosk owner to understand exactly how the product is benefiting their business.

Now with Noah and Blueprint integration, the cloud-based software can export viable leads into your patient management system with ease.


Patients receive emails with their hearing loss information and your clinic details

Expand How You Do Business

MedRx Kiosk provides new opportunities for businesses to expand their reach. The MedRx Kiosk system can be placed in community or public facilities to provide easy access to hearing screenings. This much needed community service can increase hearing loss awareness by providing easy entry points to hearing services. All screenings performed are reviewed by your clinic staff and information can be provided to patients about hearing services, hearing conservation and hearing aids. Filter lists of patients from our cloud databases and export to your preferred communication platform.

Patients who complete screenings can automatically receive emails with their hearing loss information and your clinic details and logos. All emails are designed for the patient to understand and to reach out to the clinic of your choice.

Follow-Up and Goal Setting

The MedRx Kiosk and the cloud database system is designed to facilitate diagnostic evaluations in your clinic. All aspects of the screening process point customers to the hearing clinic of your choice. This includes custom logos, addresses, phone numbers that the patient sees during testing. When the test is complete the cloud software helps professionals track the follow-up process with a completion goal of making a clinic appointment. Professionals can set follow-up reminders in the software and take notes regarding follow-up status. Advanced filtering allows large lists to be filtered to your needs and exported in segments. The segmented exports can help when transitioning leads into ongoing marketing platforms. 

Still Have Questions? - Click Here to Read Our Kiosk Blog Post

MedRx Kiosk and the cloud database are tools designed for professionals to reach people in their communities

  • kiosk-stands-on-gray-gradient-background

    Fully Enclosed and Secured Stands (U.S. Customers)

  • usa-kiosk-stand

    Customizable Signage

  • Kiosk Stand INT

    Fully Enclosed and Secured Stands (International Customers)

  • man taking hearing test in car

    Suited for home testing or drive-up testing.

Product Specs

  • Standards:
    Screening Audiometer as per ANSI S3.6, IEC 60645-1, Type 4; Tone Audiometry

    DD65v2a & DD65v2

    Frequency Range: Air: 125 Hz - 8000 Hz

    Output Level Range: AC: -10 dB HL to 80 dB HL max

  • Attenuation: 5 dB or 1 dB Step

    Compatible with: Hearing BI, Noah

    Power Requirements:15v, 0.5A

    U.S. Floor Stand Height: 49.6" (maximum height)

    U.S. Tablet Case Dimensions: 12.0" x 9.1"

  • U.S. Floor Stand Base Plate Dimensions/ Weight: 11.6" x 11.8" / 2 kg (~ 2 lbs.)

    Tablet Dimensions: 
    W x D x H: 19.1 x 9.3 x 13.4 cm/ 7.5 x 3.6 x 5.3 inch (excluding connections)

    Tablet Weight: 389 g / 0.86 lbs

    Standard Accessories:
    DD65v2a Audiometer Headset (Optional DD65v2), Software & Manuals

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