For 29 years, MedRx has sought to produce diagnostic equipment that meets and surpasses the expectations of our customers. One way we do this is by streamlining the fitting process—ensuring a faster and more accurate result.
Our clinical audiometer, ARC, and REM Speech+ give providers modern, computerized solutions to test and fit patients with ease. With these values at the forefront of our innovation, MedRx is proud to introduce the AWRC to our product line.
AWRC stands for Audiometer and Wireless REM Combination. The AWRC aims to provide ease and convenience for providers wanting to do more with less equipment.
Learn more about these features below, where we’ll dive deep into the technology and benefits being introduced in the new MedRx AWRC.
About the AWRC
The AWRC is high-frequency (12,500 Hz) Real Ear Measurement (REM), Live Speech Mapping (LSM), and audiometry device combined in one compact piece of equipment.

It produces clinical results on an intuitive software interface and includes a wide range of upgraded features, including wireless probe microphones. These new features offer hearing care professionals more advanced equipment with simpler operation.
The audiometer function also includes optional high-frequency capabilities that allow clinicians to test out to 20,000Hz.
The optional high-frequency add-on allows you to purchase equipment with features that best align with your practice’s current needs. Whether you’re an experienced practitioner looking to upgrade your current testing and fitting systems, or are opening a practice for the first time, the AWRC provides an option for providers in all walks of their careers.
The AWRC measures out at less than 8 in. x 5 in. x 1 in. (20 cm x 12 cm x 3 cm), taking up minimal desk space and making it easier for clinicians to transport. Like most MedRx products, the AWRC employs our new Studio software suite to run tests and complete fittings.
Each module within the system operates completely independently so you can switch back and forth between REM, Speech Mapping, Audiometry, and counseling tools within the software. Both the audiometer and verification features include Noah, TIMS, Blueprint, and Sycle compatibility.

Wireless REM/LSM
MedRx has produced advanced real ear verification systems for 25 years. Now, our newest contribution to Real Ear Measurements is wireless.
High-Frequency Fittings
The AWRC includes 2 built-in amplifiers that give the AWRC binaural, high-frequency capability on a completely USB-powered system.
The AWRC has a 12,500 Hz fitting capability, enabling you to fit your patients in accordance with the newest hearing aid technology available. The line out free field output or two 20-watt built-in amplifiers ensure that your device reaches these high-frequencies and is capable of fitting hearing aids to even the most nuanced impairments.
Even with this enhanced functionality, the AWRC still operates solely through USB connection (utilizing line out free field) to your computer. This lets you use the AWRC in a standard office setting or as a portable solution for mobile testing.
Wireless Probe Microphones
You can now also optimize your office space or mobile office with the new wireless probe microphones. These increase efficiency during testing and assist with seamless maneuverability during patient appointments.
The microphones and hardware arrive pre-paired and automatically connect when turned on, followed by effortless automatic set-up. A fitting session with the new wireless probe microphone begins with the probe mics automatically connecting to your MedRx AWRC.
The seamless connection is possible with a private network the probe microphones use to eliminate network interferences, only pairing to each other and no other computers or devices.
Once your fittings begin, the probe microphone’s rechargeable battery provides 6 hours of continuous use and can be docked on a charging station when not in use. The charging dock can be used as a portable charging solution or wall-mounted to save space in a busy clinic.
When used as a portable charging dock, mobile providers can get a full charge out of each probe mic—giving you a total of up to 12 hours of continuous use. Or, if you’d rather charge without the docking station, each probe mic has the option to be charged via USB-C cord connections.
Once your fitting session has ended, save patient results in Noah to reference later or use integrated print templates to provide results directly to the patient.

Real Ear Measurement and Live Speech Mapping Computer Modules
The wireless REM system in the AWRC offers new providers the flexibility to learn computer-based REM or speech mapping on an intuitive interface. While seasoned providers can conduct REM or speech mapping tests as they always have with the same user-friendly software— and even greater convenience.
Our newly updated Studio software comes with every new equipment purchase and is backed by a lifetime of support and training. The AWRC’s REM and LSM functionalities provide access to REM, LSM, Master Hearing Aid, and Hearing Loss Simulator Modules.

In addition to high-frequency REM and speech mapping, the AWRC simultaneously functions as a PC-based diagnostic or clinical audiometer.
High-Frequency Testing
The AWRC conducts pure tone audiometry up to 8,000Hz or high-frequency testing up to 20,000Hz as an optional feature upgrade. Either option includes air and bone conduction, speech audiometry, Quick SIN and built-in Word Lists.
The high-frequency option in the AWRC’s audiometer function is also a great tool to help clinicians identify tinnitus sensations. When used with MedRx’s Tinnometer software, you can not only identify the type of tinnitus stimulus, but also levels, thresholds, and minimum masking levels—the tests required to bill for a tinnitus evaluation.
Audiometer Computer Modules
MedRx Studio Software consolidates all your MedRx software in one convenient digital suite. The AWRC’s audiometer function provides access to the Audiometry, Hearing Loss Simulator (HLS), and Master Hearing Aid (MHA) modules.
The HLS and MHA modules are powerful 3rd party counseling tools used to display what a patient’s hearing loss feels like to family members or the changes in audibility a patient can expect to see with new hearing aids.

MedRx Training & Support
Unlike any combination audiometer and speech mapping systems currently available, the AWRC is driven by modern software and backed by personalized training and on-demand support. So, whether you’re new to REM or are finally upgrading from manual audiometry, the AWRC provides an intuitive solution for those looking to modernize their practice or equipment.
Our expert online trainers can help you set up your systems in a way that best supports your practice’s everyday operation. We also ensure that any questions you have are answered with an in-depth training session on your MedRx product.
These trainings are completed online and allow us to work with your schedule while still showing you the full scope of your equipment’s capability. We encourage all MedRx customers to take part in a training session after purchasing an audiometer or verification system, so you understand how to operate the software fluently.
Experienced technicians can also help sort out technical issues with one-on-one online troubleshooting and screen sharing if you ever experience any difficulties.

Is the MedRx AWRC Right for My Practice?
MedRx offers a wide selection of audiometry and verification devices for hearing healthcare providers, including screening audiometers, high-frequency clinical audiometers, and binaural verification systems. Choosing which one is right for you will often depend on your testing and fitting activities and preferences.
The AWRC employs the most advanced features MedRx has to offer, such as high-frequency testing and fitting and wireless real ear measurements—run by powerful computer-based software. It is our most compact and efficient piece of equipment ideal for those who are looking to do more with less equipment.
The Wireless REM features of the AWRC allow providers to conduct verification measures easier and more efficiently, further improving patient satisfaction and decreasing hearing aid returns.
If you want to start conducting hearing aid fittings, try PC-based audiometry, or upgrade your current computer-based system—start with MedRx. We can not only provide the products you need to test and fit your current patients, but also follow through with unmatched trainings and technical support.
If you’re interested in learning more about the AWRC please give us a call at (888)392-1234 and ask for Sales.